Sunday, March 29, 2009

Still open and recently closed...

Melting Stones by Tamora Pierce
Part of the Circle series, which seems I read so long ago. The irony of this book is that Mt. Redoubt continues to puff and blow. I loved images of being inside the crystaline structure of the different minerals. A book rockhounds will enjoy. YA

Hand of Isis by Jo Graham
I'm still reeling from the pedigree charts, but it's somewhat more clear and I remember some things from I, Claudius. I know how the story is supposed to end, so why am I surprised that I have tears running down my cheeks? The characters are well-written, it may help explain history, and it also falls into Sue Lange's category of "what women once did." How historically accurate? Unknown without research, but truly enjoyable.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting up to date

Many Angela Thirkell novels later, I have also been reading: 

Dingo by Charles de Lint. YA but I'd put in J. Fantastic cover, interesting premise, but felt like it had been cut short.

If You Are Reading This It's Too Late, by Pseunonymous Bosch. Not high on my list to finish, but enjoyed the protagonists enough that I eventually will.

Women Who Wrote the War fascinating account of the earliest female war correspondents.

The Annotated Frankenstein by Leonard Wolf. Footnotes become as interesting as the story.

Against the Clock Illustrator 9.0 and Photoshop 5.0.

Princess Ben. Not bad. Enjoyed her tower scenes.

ST Deep Space 9 Season 4 - must have missed most of this season. It's nice to find new episodes.

Inspiral Carpets - Revenge of the Goldfish. Named for Sandy Skoglund's installation piece. I'm impressed. I haven't listened to a disc I've enjoyed as much for quite some time. Lyrics may be a little shallow and not certain that music would receive great marks from professionals, but the big point is I ENJOYED IT and didn't turn it off!

White Witch, Black Curse by Kim Harrison. Old friends in a new scenario - will wait quietly for next volume.