Friday, August 7, 2009

Vampiric Readings

Opinions of Twilight Read Alikes to date:
Vampire Academy - thumbs down, dull, dull, dull
House of Night - thumbs up, loved the characters and the situations, will read more when there's time
Vampire Beach: Initiation - snore. Read a few chapters before returning
City of Ashes - thumbs up, mostly. Coming in on book two is a challenge. Somewhat predictable, but interesting teens, scenarios, good visual cues

Already read and liked:

'Thumb' on female polydactyl cat.Followers care to weigh in on the choice of this image? It's relevant! Image via Wikipedia

The Hollow Kingdom - Clare B. Dunkle
The Study Series - Maria V. Snyder

A much better listing that I can ever do:

9/9/09 House of Night revisited: finally received book one, Marked, from my request list. Might need to modify my opinion. It does seem awfully juvenile in places, yet I'm enjoying the characters. Will go back and read Vampire Academy Book One - perhaps it requires a second chance.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Facebook Cause

Just put together a Facebook Cause with info on contacting the 6 PA Budget Committee members (and about joining or donating to Pennsylvania Library Association) Let them know how much you value libraries and lifelong learning!

Wish Radar

Can't recall if I've blogged this once before or not. If so, it bears repeating! Thanks to friend Tracy Brant, I stumbled upon This handy website has a bookmarklet app that you click while browsing If there's a book/DVD/CD (and maybe even other items though I haven't tried) that you are interested in as new or used, click, type in the highest price you're willing to pay for that item. When the item is at or below your price you'll get an email and the BUY box will also be highlighted on your wish list. It also lets you know how much competition you'll have for the item just from Wish Radar. You're still competing with the rest of the world to be the first to click the Amazon checkout button!
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